Saturday, April 7, 2012

Substitute for White Potatoes

White potatoes are high is starch and calories. I discovered a new starch today. I used to know it as pumpkin and it was green, similar to green water melon.  However, I found it in the stores as potato. See it here before it was cooked and after it is cooked. It has natural sweetness. You can eat with tea, beans or by itself.  Preparation - Cut into small pieces. Boil for 20 minutes. You can eat the skin but not the seeds.


  1. I have tried it in soups sold at Von's and Trader Joe's and they were quite good. It looks a bit intimidating but once you cut it and cook it, it's totally worth it. Also, you can bake it in the oven cut into stripes likes fries and they are quite nutritious and tasty, like sweet potatoes but fewer in calories. To make it fun, you can cut the fries up into crinkly shapes so they look curly when done. Enjoy.
